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Internship: Creative Producers Group

Production Assistant


During my time at CPG, I worked as a productions assistant on the creation and production of events for our clients. I helped research available talent and venues as well as created relationships with vendors. I assisted also directors and the production team while being on-site at events that I helped produce. I learned a vast amount about the necessary processes behind the production of corporate events. I was given responsibilities and my opinions were trusted and always considered. 



Not only was I given the opportunity to be on-site at events that I helped create, I was given the task of producing and presenting a final project. At the end of my internship, I presented a final project that I planned for my co-workers and supervisors that included an event consisting of: an request for proposal with a theme, budget allocation, an agenda, included entertainment and audience engagement considerations. 

My presentation was a success and I was very happy with the reaction I received from my superiors. After I completed this internship, I realized that I wanted to continue to learn more about the advertising industry and was ready to experience another agency environment. 

Internship: Brighton Agency

Production Intern


During my time at Brighton, I was given the opportunity to be introduced to both the creative side and account side of client work. I worked under the Director of Traffic and Production. My supervisor not only taught me how much effort goes into fulfilling tasks and projects for clients but also the work ethic that is required to do successfully produce a final project. I worked hands on with clients and vendors through the filling of purchase orders for sourced items. The variety of tasks that I have had to complete during my time as a Production Intern have helped me find my path and where I believe I fit in the marketing and advertising industry.


I worked with three other interns on our final project. My role as Production Intern allowed me to create and manage schedules for both the creative team and the account team. I was in constant communication with our client. I also worked on the physical production of our final product including the printing and binding of a booklet to our client as well as other produced deliverables. All of the interns played viable roles in the making of this project and we all learned an exceptional amount about the processes behind successfully creating a project or campaign for a client. 

After my time at Brighton, I hope to find the right career path for my interests. In the future, I hope to continue to work on accounts for clients with direct communication with those clients. I aspire to take their needs and wishes and turn them into successful and effective campaigns. I believe that the use of media in projects is very important with an emphasis on traditional media. With my previous experience along with my desires, I hope to land in an environment that helps grow my love for the advertising industry through a career. 

PDFS to upload 
once complete
on 8/17
Professional Experience
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